19 August 2013

Daddy has been out of town since last Monday for his new job, and I've had Mommy all to myself and we have had a blast!. Here's what we've been up to....

Improving my dancing skills!
 Entertaining Mommy...
 Enjoying her "cooking" so much I shovel it in...

 Organizing & Cleaning together...

 Taking stoller rides and going to the playground...

I love my Mommy so much, that I get 5 more days of her to myself ! :)

Posted on Monday, August 19, 2013 by Melanie

26 July 2013

Shhhhhh.....  he's sleeping....

...he's busy doing God knows what....

...he's relaxin'...
...and chillin' on the beach....
...he's having a snack...

...and he's on a boat!

He's like, totally lookin' like a majorly radical studmuffin while posing with his totally bodacious dad, dude...
...he's making tea (and supposedly, some muffins)...
...he's playing with Grandma Joan...
...he's swimming in the lake...
...he's playing hide and seek...
...and playing with "the little man" and his John Deere truck!
He's chillin' with Dad again....

...he's shopping... ...and he's having a darn good time!

Posted on Friday, July 26, 2013 by test

30 June 2013

Miles had his first birthday on June 22. The day started off with a little breakfast....

Then we took some 12-Month photos.

Shortly after, a present arrived from our friend, Lucas.

After playing with his new Spanish ABC blocks, it was time for a nap so he could be nice and refreshed for his party.

The party started and friends started showin' up!  We had burgers and hot dogs, and lots of fun!

Then it was time for the moment everyone has been waiting for - the cake!

Apparently, it wasn't that big of a hit....

After the cake experiment, Miles opened some presents, played a little more, and then it was time to say good bye to everyone who came to celebrate.  Thanks for sharing Miles' 1st birthday with us!

Posted on Sunday, June 30, 2013 by test

21 June 2013

It's a real thing.  Seriously (click here).

Miles however is not a certified professional organizer.  Nor is he striving toward the highly prestigious anointment.  As you can see, Miles has no interest in organizing the cabinets and drawers full of plastic food containers.

As with most (probably all) babies, meals can be a pretty messy time as well.  Miles LOVES tomato sauces - eating, wearing....  Here he is having some sloppy joe.  He shovels into his mouth about as fast as we can put it on his tray!

We'll have some more pictures later this weekend as tomorrow is a pretty big day around these parts....  Our little turtle is turning ONE YEAR OLD!!!!!

Posted on Friday, June 21, 2013 by test

16 June 2013

Miles really wanted to walk this morning. We got him to stand up and walk to us a couple times (he really likes to stand up and clap for himself).

Then he got tired of walking to us and decided to venture off on his own and head toward the kitchen.

Getting a little better at standing and walking each day.

Finally, we have what we've been calling "The Turtle."  Miles will lie on his back and just kind flop around like a turtle that's rolled itself over and can't get right side up again.  We're not exactly sure what he's doing, but it's pretty funny to watch.  Maybe he's tired and just wants to lie there and relax....  Or maybe he really has gotten himself into a precarious position and can't roll back onto his stomach.  Whatever the case, it provides some quality entertainment and he seems to have fun doing it.

Posted on Sunday, June 16, 2013 by test

15 June 2013

Miles has been standing up for a couple weeks now, but not until yesterday were we able to get it on video.

This lasted for about five minutes, until he finally got tired of falling and decided to just crawl.

Posted on Saturday, June 15, 2013 by test

12 June 2013

Miles has been walking a little bit more and more each day.

Here's a clip from last week:

...and another clip from yesterday.  He took 6 steps at one point (not on video).  This one was pretty good, too, though.

Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 by test

04 June 2013

We went to the neighborhood pool on Sunday to give Miles another shot at the water.  The beach experiment a few weeks ago did not go well (he was sick), but the lake on Saturday was fairly successful.  Now it was time to see how Miles would fare in the pool.

He was a little shocked by the water temperature initially (which really wasn't cold at all), but quickly acclimated.  We sat him in his tube and he seemed to enjoy himself.

He seems kind of neutral about the water so far....  He's content to sit in his tube, but doesn't really try to do anything else (like move his arms or legs), but that could also be because he so distracted watching all the other kids in the pool.  It could also be from all the sun - he didn't seem to be much of a fan of the sun in his eyes...  After a while, though, he eventually leaned back like he's sitting in a La-Z-Boy and just relaxed.

You can see from the video below, that the other kids in the pool are MUCH more interesting than Mommy or Daddy.

Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2013 by test

02 June 2013

Yesterday we went to the park to celebrate a little friend's birthday (she turned one year old!) and had all kinds of fun.

Miles got to play with bubbles and party hats and some friends...

...and chew on pine needles!!!

It was pretty hot at the party and Miles was noticeably warm and sweaty, so he and I ventured over to the lake and went for a swim.  Mommy wasn't there to snap any photos, but I can assure you that Miles enjoyed himself.  Maybe it was a natural love for the water, or maybe it just felt good to beat the heat and cool off, but Miles seemed pretty relaxed floating around in his little baby inner tube (at least after the initial surprise of the cool water).  Next time we'll get some pics....

More photos in the 11 Month album.

Posted on Sunday, June 02, 2013 by test

31 May 2013

On Wednesday evening, around 6:00pm, Miles took his first steps.  Mommy held him while Daddy sat a few steps away with his hands out for Miles to grab.  He only took a couple and they were shaky, but it's a start.

We tried a couple more times and he took a couple more steps, but then got nervous and just wanted to plop down to the ground and crawl.

We tried again on Thursday and he took a couple steps.  Then it was more of the safe way - plopping and crawling....

EDIT 6:05pm

We tried again this evening and got fairly similar results....  He tried taking a couple steps but didn't seem to have the balance today.  After a few tries he just wants to sit and crawl.  See for yourself (sorry the video is so dark - the lighting is bad in our upstairs room).

Posted on Friday, May 31, 2013 by test
